Apricot Harvest

Apricot Harvest

I forgot to share about this year’s apricot harvest! A couple of months ago, we picked all the ripe fruit from our backyard trees. You might remember how, when we moved into this house, there were a few scraggly trees that looked like they had seen better days. Spring came and the trees blossomed gorgeously, which for me was reason enough to keep them around. But then, to my complete surprise and delight, right around Father’s Day, I noticed that the trees were laden with hundreds of apricots! What a blessing.

That first year, we preserved all the fruit with the help of our dear friends Shak and Ohn. This year, when the apricots ripened, I decided I wanted to share the fresh harvest with friends. We gave away bags of fruit, and we also ate our fill of apricot crumble and apricot pie.

I’m not exactly sure which kind of apricot tree we’re lucky to have. They might be Blenheims, or maybe that’s just wishful thinking, because I adore them. I am fairly certain they aren’t the oversized, rosy-cheeked, and shockingly delicious Robada. If you ever see Robada apricots at the farmers market, don’t hesitate to buy them by the bagful! Can anyone identify our apricots?

Recipe of the Month

Recipe of the Month

Recipe: Jimmy Nardello Time!

Recipe: Jimmy Nardello Time!