Cookbook: Cover Photo Shoot

Cookbook: Cover Photo Shoot


How do you safely do a photo shoot during a pandemic? Before the coronavirus outbreak, cookbook photo shoots usually involved a not-so-small team of people: the photographer, one or two photo assistants, the food stylist, one or two kitchen assistants, a prop stylist, the book’s author, and possibly an editor and/or art director from the publishing house. (Remember our wonderful crew for The Newlywed Table photo shoot?) Right now, it’s not possible or safe for all those people to gather in a small studio space. But the work goes on, and for that I am so grateful. We’re making it happen by paring down the team, wearing masks at all times, and keeping a 6-foot physical distance, among many other safety precautions. This week, I worked with photographer Erin Scott and kitchen assistant Bruce Cole to create beautiful photographs for my next cookbooks. We focused on potential cover images—I am so excited to show you! Erin and I worked together, just the two of us, to capture all the interior photographs months ago. It was a huge amount of work and difficult under the circumstances, but I’m thrilled with how everything looks, and I can’t wait to share soon.

P.S. Erin’s cute dog, Floyd, supervised.

Recipe: Nectarine Cobbler

Recipe: Nectarine Cobbler

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