New Work: Emigre Cookbooklet

New Work: Emigre Cookbooklet


I’ve long admired the digital type foundry Emigre and I’ve been hearing my husband, Graham, talk about how extraordinary their work is ever since he and I first met. You can imagine how thrilled I was when the Emigre co-founders, Rudy VanderLans and Zuzana Licko, asked me to collaborate on a fun project. They wanted to make a little cookbook of sorts—a cookbooklet! Each recipe would be shown set in one of their fonts, and a brand-new picture font by Bay Area artist Tucker Nichols would accompany the text. 

You can download a free PDF version of the cookbook from the Emigre website. And if you’re one of the lucky subscribers on their mailing list, you’ll be receiving a printed version within the next month or so. I loved working on this project!

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